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12 06, 2017


By |2024-05-21T16:43:21+08:00June 12th, 2017|Comments Off on UM

Welcome to CTLE, where we value and celebrate excellence of teaching and learning.

CTLE is committed to working with the UM community towards realising the University’s commitment to student-centred education. We pride ourselves on our selection of context-relevant pedagogical practices and e-learning tools, as well as our studios and interactive learning […]

2 02, 2024

Recap on Reflective Teaching for Inclusive Education in Higher Education

By |2024-05-06T10:42:57+08:00February 2nd, 2024|News|0 Comments

This workshop aims to promote academic exchange and sharing of experience to enhance optimization in teaching. The workshop attracted about 50 UM academic staff from different faculties.

2 07, 2020

Tech-Enhanced  Teaching and Learning Meet-ups: Enhancing In-Class and Online Learning

By |2020-09-28T16:01:24+08:00July 2nd, 2020|, |0 Comments

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