Studies show that students’ academic performance is influenced by their conceptual understanding and among one’s prior experiences collaborative learning is one that promotes conceptual development. In this half-day event, we will explore how group learning is related to one’s conceptual development and share tips and strategies on how instructors can enhance students’ group learning experience in an EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) setting.
How collaboration promotes individual learning
Prof. Dr. Sascha Schanze, Leibniz Universität Hannover
In this keynote presentation, speaker will illustrate why learning in a group is of great importance for individual conceptual development and how this can be supported through appropriate instructional measures.
Strategies to enhance students’ experience in collaborative learning; a panel discussion
Prof. Manuela Carvalho (FAH), Prof. Glenn McCartney (FBA), Prof. Frank Gong (FED), Prof. Garry Wong (FHS), Ms. Miranda Ma (FAH-ELC)
Two Digital Tools for Group Work and Peer Assessment
Dr. Chris Fulton (CTLE)