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CTLE Teaching Assistant Training Workshop 6 大學助教工作坊
E31 TheaterWorkshop 6: Tools that Support Learning (Part 2) [Advanced Functions of Moodle: creating quiz, managing assignments/gradebook]
支援教學的工具2 in E31
CTLE Teaching Assistant Training Workshop 7 大學助教工作坊
Workshop 7: Effective Lecturing: Developing a Mini-Lecture
有效地授課: 如何主持迷你教學
2018 CTLE Autumn Workshop Series
E3-1032 BOC Centennial Building, TaipaStudent-Centered Teaching & Learning
with Prof. Xinjie YU
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Discuss challenges and solutions to preparing in-class group activities for a flipped classroom
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2018 CTLE Autumn Workshop Series: Project-Orientated Teaching & Learning
E3-1032 BOC Centennial Building, TaipaPreventing Cheating and Promoting Academic Integrity to Students
E3-G034Find out what types of assignments discourage intentional acts of dishonesty
Fostering Learning with Kahoot: an Alternative Student Response System to Poll Everywhere
How to create Kahoot quizzes and surveys
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