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Academic Supervision: What Supervisors Need to Know about Turnitin
E6-3112Need to set up a Turnitin assignment?
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2019 CTLE Spring Workshop Series: 4D PhD: How to supervise diverse, digital, disintermediated and deterritorialized
E3-1032 BOC Centennial Building, TaipaInteractive Lecturing: Combining Lectures and Active Learning Methods
E3-1032 BOC Centennial Building, TaipaDon't miss this interactive workshop
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2019 CTLE Spring Workshop Series: Multi-faceted Student Support System at UM: What SAO, RCs and Faculties are Doing
E3-1032 BOC Centennial Building, TaipaTips on Producing Video for Blended Learning Approaches
E3-1032 BOC Centennial Building, TaipaFind out how to create videos for your courses
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2019 CTLE Spring Workshop Series: How to Help Laws Students Think Like Lawyers?
E3-1032 BOC Centennial Building, TaipaAcademic Integrity: A Faculty Lunchtime Conversation
E3-1032 BOC Centennial Building, TaipaJoin the conversation...
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