On 10th April, over 30 academic staff participated in CTLE Teaching Innovation Salon 2019. 4 out of 9 UM Teaching Excellence Award 2018/2019 nominees from Faculties and Institutes joined the Salon as presenters and panelists to share their pedagogical practices at UM. CTLE Teaching Innovation Salon is an annual event that aims to promote teaching excellence. The salon started with an opening by Prof. NI (VRAA), who reminded the audience that educators needed to learn from each other and be always mindful of pursuit of successful teaching.

The first session started with a talk by Prof. Ruibing WANG (ICMS), “How to Effectively Engage Students?”. Prof. WANG’s session discussed blended learning, multisensory learning and practical teaching used in his GE course to teach and inspire students. [PPT for download]

Dr. LEONG Cheng Hang (FLL) then shared her teaching philosophy and how she reduced distraction among students in class. She also talked about using Whatsapp and Rain Classroom to interact with students in teaching. [PPT for download]

Prof. Hari VENKATESAN (FAH) focused on the question of how to keep teaching relevant when information was freely available. In his presentation “Teaching in the Information Age?” he also provided tips and tools to engage students’ learning. [PPT for download]

Prof. Patrick CHU (FBA) then presented “Apply ShareStart (學思達) Approach in Higher Education Lectures” where he introduced his teaching style that had changed from one-way lecturing to application of ShareStart Approach, which consists of learning, thinking and expressing. [PPT for download]

The last session was a panel moderated by Prof. Katrine WONG (DCTLE). 4 presenters shared with the participants their experiences on teaching. Key issues addressed include incorporation of technology, maintaining passion of teaching, students’ attention span, educators’ expectations.


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