Over 500 postgraduate students participated in CTLE’s Online TA Training 2022, which concluded successfully with an online salon on 28 Sept.

The organizers would like to commend the successful postgraduate students who have learnt core skills needed by those who are involved in supporting professors and undergraduate courses.

This year’s online TA training was created and facilitated by Prof. Katrine Wong (DCTLE/FAH), Prof. Rose Lai (FBA), Prof. Garry Wong (FHS), Dr. Alice Lee (FAH-ELC), Dr. Chris Fulton (CTLE) and Ms. Miranda Ma (FAH-ELC).

At the concluding event for the TA training, an online salon, participants had another chance to engage with distinguished educators and peers, and the panelists were delighted by the interaction and discussion the TA Salon generated. The panel discussions featured experienced teaching assistants, including Ms. Cheryl GUO, Ms. Xinman YIN, Ms. Rongzhen LI and Ms. Rhea QIN.

To learn more about professional development opportunities and events for colleagues who are interested in continuing to enhance their teaching and learning skills, please visit our website at ctle.um.edu.mo.


在沙龍活動裡,助教們與本校的老師和現職助教交流和互動。經驗豐富的助教們參與了小組討論,他們包括Gheryl GUO小姐、Xinman YIN小姐、Rongzhen LI小姐和Rhea QIN小姐。

助教在線培訓的導師有:王嘉祺教授、黎寧教授、黃值富教授、Alice Lee博士、Chris Fulton博士和馬倩兒小姐。

如想了解更多促進專業教與學的技能和活動,歡迎瀏覽教與學優化中心網站 ctle.um.edu.mo