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Best Practices for Supporting Teaching and Learning Online
With online learning now being implemented at the University of Macau, committed teachers are holding classes online with UMMoodle and Zoom. This blog post features some of our colleagues’ tips and best practices. Let’s see what has worked well to support teaching and learning of different disciplines in an online environment.
Talking Points from an Online Faculty Meetup & Training on Academic Integrity of Online Exams and How to Build Quizzes
By Dr. Christopher Fulton (CTLE)
In an online meet-up in March, which was facilitated by Prof. Garry Wong, colleagues shared their experience, concerns, questions, and best practices on online exams and quizzes. In this blog post a few main talking points will be highlighted.
“How can we ensure academic integrity?”
A three-pronged strategy to promoting academic integrity has been used by Prof. Garry Wong. Academic integrity can be promoted by building assessment tools that ensure honesty and build trust.
- Promote academic integrity as a serious matter. Encourage students to be honest, in the syllabus, during class, before an exam, and on the exam paper or in the online quiz.
- Develop assessment questions which are more relevant to the course or individuals and for which answers cannot be easily shared.
- Try to monitor the integrity, which is usually done by observing students during an exam. In an online environment, this is going to be challenging, and the best practices for us are evolving.
One point which was discussed relates to the use of video conferencing during online exams. A wide variety of viewpoints were exchanged, and no consensus emerged on how or if Zoom could be used to monitor or proctor online exams. However, teachers with small classes could consider scheduling video conferences for one-to-one oral assessments.
In the training portion of this meet-up, I presented ways to build online quizzes for exams. Here are a few settings for quizzes in UMMoodle which can be enabled to help reduce opportunities for cheating:
- Set a time limit
- Limit attempts to 1
- Quiz layout: new question every page
- Navigation method: sequential or free?
- Shuffle answers of multiple-choice questions
- How questions behave: deferred feedback
- Set browser security to open quiz in a full screen pop-up, preventing copying and pasting
- Shuffle questions within the quiz
Creating quiz questions can be time-consuming. An alternative way to create questions quickly is to write the questions in a text file and import those into a question bank. Examples of questions and answers in a GIFT format are below (.txt file, encoded in UTF-8, double carriage return separating questions).
// true/false ::Q2:: I have created quizzes in UMMoodle {T} // multiple choice ::Q3:: When will the exam period start this year? { =20 May ~20 April ~2 June } // fill-in-the-blank ::Q4:: Two plus {=two =2} equals four.
One point that was raised was that students may not be familiar with quizzes in UMMoodle, and it is important to prepare students for an online exam by having the students first complete a trial quiz. After students complete a trial quiz in UMMoodle, teachers should be prepared to provide their students with additional guidance on how to successfully complete an online exam.
A video recording of this online event can be viewed by UM colleagues. The video recording in on our Microsoft Stream site, which requires UM users to sign in using their UM Office 365 Pro Plus account, e.g.
More information and blog posts on teaching and learning are on our website.
Students who would like more information should pay close attention to their courses on UMMoodle. Video tutorials on how to use UMMoodle can be found at an ICTO page, A Distance Learning Quick Start Guide for Students.
Contact Points:
For teachers and students –
ICTO Help Desk
Telephone: 8822-8600
撰文:Chris Fulton博士(教與學優化中心)
在3月30日的在線培訓中,在黃值富教授的協助下,同事們分享了他們關於在線考試和測驗的經驗、關注、問題和最佳實踐。 在本文章裡,將重點介紹幾個主要話題。
- 推廣學術誠信是一件嚴肅的事情。鼓勵學生在教學大綱中、課堂上、考試前、考試中或在線測驗中保持誠實。
- 制定與課程或個人更相關,且無法輕易共享答案的評估問題。
- 嘗試監視整個教學的完整性,我們一般能在考試過程中直接觀察學生;但在線環境中,這變得具挑戰性,老師也需要不斷調整相關的監視方法。
在這次聚會的培訓部分中,我介紹了構建考試的在線測驗的方法(相關連結)。 透過改變UMMoodle中測驗的一些設置(相關連結)以幫助減少作弊的機會:
- 設定時間限制(相關連結)
- 將嘗試次數限制為只有一次
- 改變測驗佈局:每頁都有新問題
- 問題導航方式:順序還是自由?
- 在多選題中打亂答案選擇排序
- 問題的呈現:延遲作答
- 設置瀏覽器安全性以全屏彈出窗口打開測驗,防止複制貼上(相關連結)
- 隨機排列問題
創建測驗問題很耗時。(相關連結);快速創建問題的另一種方法,是將問題寫在文本文件中,然後將其導入問題庫。 以下是GIFT格式的問題和答案的示例(相關連結)(.txt文件,以UTF-8編碼,雙迴車分隔問題)。(相關連結)(相關連結)
// true/false ::Q2:: I have created quizzes in UMMoodle {T} // multiple choice ::Q3:: When will the exam period start this year? { =20 May ~20 April ~2 June } // fill-in-the-blank ::Q4:: Two plus {=two =2} equals four.
老師們提出了一個觀點,學生可能不熟悉UMMoodle中的測驗,並且重要的是,讓學生首先完成一個模擬測驗,為學生做好在線考試的準備。 學生完成UMMoodle的測驗後,教師應告訴他們如何成功完成在線考試。
(要求登錄UMPASS,並擁有Office 365 ProPlus帳戶才能查看)(相關連結)