Project Description
Instructional Technology Consultation
We are available to meet with individuals or groups to explore potential technologies to support student learning. An E-Learning Technology Officer, Christopher Fulton, is available by appointment to discuss technologies and teaching practices that might help colleagues achieve their teaching and learning and student goals, such as:
- Improving student success with technology
- Designing a course layout on UMMoodle
- Promoting active learning
- Selecting technology for your teaching practices
- Making teaching and learning more student-centred
- Using classroom equipment in CTLE’s Interactive Learning Spaces 1-5, e.g., interactive displays, wireless displays, etc.
- Developing online assessments
- Adapting content to a digital learning environment
- Developing learning activities for your course on UMMoodle
This consultation service is intended to complement the services and software provided by ICTO to all UM students and staff.
Consultations are available to UM faculty members and UM part-time instructors. Call 8822 4574 or email to request a consultation.
Quick links to CTLE Resources
Teaching Resources
Posts on Moodle
Mid-term student feedback survey template
Faculty-Specific Professional Development Request Form
Posts on Teaching Practices
Interactive Learning Spaces
Guides to equipment in ILS 3-5
Workshops and Events
Upcoming professional development events
Past events
Technical support
ICTO Help Desk (8:00 am to 8:00 pm, M-F) ☎ 8822-8600