A professional development workshop co-organized by FHS and CTLE on 2 May provided experienced teachers with well-established strategies to increase students’ motivation and engagement with course content. In this workshop, Prof. Garry Wong (FHS) and Dr. Chris Fulton (CTLE) introduced tried and tested general teaching practices for educators in higher education, namely interactive lecturing, active learning, and scenario-based teaching. Educators were highly engaged and discussed students’ needs, along with strategies that promote student engagement and the development of teamwork skills. After identifying several strategies, participants considered how they could apply those strategies to courses they currently teach. Lastly, educators exchanged tips on designing effective scenarios and facilitating productive class discussions.

The sharing of concrete examples and lessons learned provided valuable insights for implementing scenario-based teaching methods successfully. The workshop presenters highlighted a range of tried and tested teaching practices, and CTLE’s website, ctle.um.edu.mo, offers helpful guides, resources, and consultations for UM colleagues.

Colleagues who would like to collaborate with CTLE to create faculty-specific workshops that support collaborative professional development and promote excellence in teaching, are encouraged to complete an online form.