On April 21, CTLE held a faculty professional development workshop, the topic of which is Raising Awareness of OERs. Experts from the Teaching and Research section of the Library of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) from Australia shared different aspects around OERs. The workshop attracted about 30 UM academic staff.

Ms. Rebecca Rata of Library Services (Copyright) first explained what copyright was and introduced 5 important elements of OER: Reuse, Revise, Remix, Redistribute and Retain. She also mentioned a variety of different Creative Commons License and different levels of agreements, which would serve different purposes. (Download Slides) (Watch Video)

Mr. Frank Ponte, manager of Library Services (Teaching), introduced the various reasons why RMIT engaged with OER textbooks for teaching and learning; some of the main reasons being reduction of financial burden of students when buying textbooks and more flexibility for teachers. In addition, he also introduced free digital copyright management (DRM-Free) which would make access easier for students. Finally, from the perspective of library staff, he analyzed the scope of their OER functions, such as providing copyright usage suggestions to teachers. He also shared various OER resources of textbooks. (Download Slides) (Watch Video)

負責協調版權的Rebecca Rata女士首先向同事們講解了甚麼是版權,以及OER的五個重要元素:重用(Reuse)、修改(Revise)、混合(Remix)、分發(Redistribute) 、保留(Retain);她也介紹了各種不同的知識共享許可協議(Creative Commons License),不同的級數的協議有不同用途。(下載投影片) (觀看影片)
而負責教學範疇的Frank Ponte 先生則向同事們介紹了RMIT參與編寫OER的各種原因,重點是減輕學生購買教科書的負擔,和使教學具靈活性;另外他也介紹了免費數碼版權管理(DRM-Free)令學生存取更容易;最後他以圖書館職員的角度出發,分析了他們的對於OER的職能運用範圍,例如向教師提供版權使用的建議等;此外他也分享了各種OER教科書的資源。(下載投影片) (觀看影片)

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