On 3 February, CTLE held ahalf-day faculty development workshop, attended by about 45 academic staff from the campus.

Prof. Michael King-Man Hui, VRAA, gave the opening remarks. He spoke about a new blended learning initiative. (Watch Video)

Dr. Preman Rajalingam, head of Teaching, Learning and Pedagogy Division (TLPD) from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, spoke about his experience of team-based learning (TBL) at the medicine school in NTU. Main steps for TBL include: (1) Preparation, (2) Individual Readiness Assurance, (3) Team Readiness Assurance, (4) Burning Questions, (5) Application Exercise, (6) Discussion & Conclusion. He added that within TBL, specific team-centric learning spaces, integrated digital learning ecosystem and team teaching could arouse student motivation and engagement. He also shared some research on mechanism underpinning success factors of TBL. (Watch Video)(Download Slides)

Prof. Katrine Wong, director of CTLE, then gave a session on aligning assessments with intended learning outcomes (ILOs). She began by introducing the significance of ILOs and used her course as an example to illustrate the lower/high order thinking skills. She emphasized that assessments, ILOs and instructional strategies need to be aligned for optimal results. She shared information on different learning activities and assessments.

(Watch Video)(Download Slides)

In the session on Engaging Activities and Assessments with UMMoodle, Prof. Sophia Deng from FSS shared practical advice, drawing on evidence from cognitive psychology, on how to use quizzes in UMMoodle in ways that enhance learning.

(Watch Video)(Download Slides)

Next, Mr. John Chan from ICTO highlighted a site where instructors can get technical support, i.e., the ICTO Knowledge Base, a searchable database with information on how to set up activities in UMMoodle. Also, the virtual computer roomservice at UM was introduced. The third presenter, Chris Fulton, discussed engaging and effective activities, and then showed how to create a poll or surveyin UMMoodle.

(Watch Video)(Download Chris’s slides)(Download John’s slides)



來自新加坡南洋理工大學(NTU)的教學與學習單位(TLPD)的負責人Preman Rajalingam博士分享了他在NTU醫學院內的以團隊學習(TBL)的經驗。實行TBL教學的主要步驟包括:(1)準備,(2)確認個人準備就緒,(3)確認團隊準備就緒,(4)解決問題,(5)應用練習,(6)討論及結論。他補充,在TBL中,包括特定以團隊為中心的學習空間、整合式數碼學習系統和團隊教學,均可以激發學生學習動力和參與度。他還分享了一些有關支持TBL成功因素的機制的研究。(觀看影片)(下載PPT)



通訊與資訊科技部的同事陳顓先生則重點介紹了ICTO知識庫這個可搜尋的數據庫,老師可從中獲得技術支持,當中包含有關如何在UMMoodle中進行教學活動的資訊,此外他還介紹了澳大的虛擬電腦室服務。來自本中心的Chris Fulton博士則向與會者討論了在UMMoodle裡如何建立更多參與和有效的教學活動,並展示了如何在裡面創建投票活動或調查。(觀看影片)(下載Chris的PPT)(下載John的PPT)