Hands-on series for making instructional videos successfully held
In the past few weeks, CTLE held a hands-on series of making instructional videos. Mr. Fernando Wong acted as a tutor and worked with a dozen academic staff on campus. They learnt the basics of filming and practised making instructional videos.
In this workshop series, through a variety of explanations and hands-on practical operations by teachers, participants came to understand different styles of teaching videos, equipment used in filming, knowledge on lighting and sound, drafting scripts for their videos, using the teleprompter for delivering their scripts, and using Camtasia, a simple software for screen recording and editing. (Camtasia has been installed on the computers in CTLE studio, feel free to make a booking with us.)
If you want to learn more about making instructional videos, please contact us.
CTLE plans to continue to hold similar activities in the next semester, please stay connected with us.
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