On 28 Aug, CTLE held the Autumn Half-Day Faculty Development workshop with the new semester started themed ‘Learner-Centred Teaching & Learning @UM’. Over 60 UM academic staffs from different Faculties, Institutes and Residential Colleges attended the half-day workshop, which is held once per semester and designed to enhance teaching and learning in the UM community.

The workshop started with a welcome note by Prof. Katrine Wong (DCTLE), who introduced the theme of the workshop, a direct reference related to UM’s mission: learner-centred education. She also highlighted the importance of bringing together teaching and learning expectations from both teachers and students at UM.

Prof. Billy SO (VRSA) gave a plenary session entitled ‘Learner-Centred Education@UM: Why and How?’ He initiated discussion between participants with different education approaches:
- Teacher-centred
- Subject/discipline/skill-centred
- Child-centred
- Learn-it-yourself approach
- No-right-answer approach
- Fun-centred approach
- Vocational education
- Market-driven education
He also recalled his teaching career at different universities in Hong Kong and shared different educational practices such as student-centred curriculum, student-centred integration, outcome-based learning and quality assurance. He emphasized UM’s vision of higher learning which is firmly committed to learner-centred education with an aim to nurture self-reflective, caring and socially responsible individuals and to help students understand themselves. [PPT for download]

In the Faculty Panel session, moderated by Chris FULTON (CTLE), panelist from different units, residential colleges and faculties/institutes exchanged ideas and stories of student development, both inside and outside of classroom. Elvo SOU (SAO) talked about student success and engagement outside the classroom. [PPT for download] Bingpu ZHOU (IAPME) shared examples of making teaching and learning meaningful, fascinating and accessible. [PPT for download] Miranda MA(FAH-ELC) talked about interaction with students by discovering different learning interests with them. Antony SI TOU (ICTO) shared different student services such as e-learning, computing facilities and different resources of ICTO that would raise students’ learning satisfaction on campus. [PPT for download] Katrine WONG (MLC) introduced students’ lives in residential college where the main goal is to promote whole-person development through hands-on event planning. She summed up student development in an RC setting with two words student – enjoyment and growth.

UM students Joana Fronteras SALAMANES(FAH), Katrine XIAN (FHS), Jorge MOTA (FLL) and Jasmine LI(FST) shared their ideas and thoughts in the Student Panel moderated by Katrine WONG (DCTLE). The topics on student engagement, video resources for learning input and in-class activities were well discussed. Challenging questions were received from faculty members among the audience.

In the Technology Session on Moodle, new features of Moodle that would help teacher take attendance in class were introduced by Chris FULTON (CTLE) ,Miguel COSTA (FST) and Yisu ZHOU(FED). See Chris’s T&L blog post in CTLE website. (https://go.um.edu.mo/ojgf0k2y)

Lastly, Michael LI (HKAPA) introduced a quick-start guide and led hands-on demonstrations for Rain Classroom, including key features such as multiple-choice questions, True-or-False questions, Polls, Bullet Screen. He also suggested different pedagogical applications for use in different academic units. [PPT for download] CTLE website has a Quick Start Guide on Rain Classroom. (https://go.um.edu.mo/w7ttne1i)

優化中心科技學習技術主任Chris FULTON主持的專題座談中,來自校內不同部門、學院和院系的與會者交流了學生發展的意見和故事。學生事務部學生輔導處處長蘇桂龍介紹了不同學生在課堂以外的取得成功。應用物理及材料工程研究所的周冰樸教授分享了教學上具意義和有趣易學的例子。人文學院英語中心導師馬倩兒通過發現學生各樣學習興趣,討論了與學生的互動。資訊及通訊科技部代總監司徒國璠介紹了各種學生服務,如電子學習、電腦設施和不同科技資源。本學期兼任馬萬祺羅柏心書院代院長的王嘉祺教授則介紹了學生的書院生活,期望通過學生策劃活動來促進全人發展,並以〝享受、成長〞總結學生的發展。
來自人文學院學生Joana Fronteras SALAMANES,健康科學學院學生Katrine XIAN,法學院學生Jorge MOTA和科技學院學生Jasmine LI的學生代表們,都在王教授主持的學生座談中,分享了他們的意見和想法,並討論了關於學習的參與,視頻學習資源和課堂活動的話題,更和其他與會的教學人員探討具挑戰性的問題。
在科技教學專題座談上,來自科技學院導師Miguel COSTA、教育學院教授周憶粟和優化中心科技學習技術主任Chris FULTON介紹了Moodle的新功能,以幫助教師查詢學生課堂出席記錄。相關資訊可閱瀏優化中心網頁教與學網誌文章。(https://go.um.edu.mo/ojgf0k2y)

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