On 16th January 2019, over 50 academic staff participated in 2019 CTLE Spring Half-Day Faculty Development Workshop “Digital-Age Learning (Part II)”.

The event started with an opening remark by Prof. Lionel NI (VRAA), who encouraged academic staff to use various technology to enhance their teaching and reminded them of the importance of effective teaching.
Prof. Ting-Chuen PONG, Director of the Center for Engineering Education Innovation and Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST), gave a plenary session entitled “Pedagogical Innovations in the Digital Age”. Prof. PONG gave an overview on the pedagogical and technological developments in the digital age and shared his experience on using MOOCs for blending learning, including asynchronous flipped, experiential learning and fully online delivery. He also talked about research results generated from innovative e-learning pedagogies. [PPT for download]
In the panel session “UMx: Challenges and Opportunities (Part II)”, moderated by Prof. Katrine K. WONG (DCTLE/FAH), the FST team behind SPOC on Information Technology Fundamentals and Practices – Prof. Derek F. WONG, Dr. Kam Hou VAT, Mr. Miguel COSTA and Mr. Teng LAM – shared some of their experience and insights on different modules of their course. They discussed design, preparation, course delivery, quality and results. After that, instructors of MOOC “Creativity” (Michael LI [FED], Katrine WONG and Davood GOZLI [FSS]) shared a range of data collected from course delivery, including learners’ feedback. They also touched upon their future plans for this online course.
In the concluding session, three speakers described strategies which were used to engage large classes of digital learners. As learners in large classrooms tend to be exposed to digital distractions and are social knowers, Prof. Yisu ZHOU used Moodle to facilitate communication with students in a GE course and keep students aware of assignments and deadlines. Another way of engaging digital learners is to use online competitions with multiple-choice quiz questions. [PPT for download] Dr. Chris FULTON demonstrated how “competitions” in Poll Everywhere can be used in classrooms. [PPT for download] Lastly, Prof. Garry WONG shared strategies on how Moodle can best be used to manage a large general education course, which involves making frequent use of announcements and quizzes. One interesting tip Prof. WONG shared was to use the list of participants in Moodle to know more about the students in a course.
澳門大學教與學優化中心(下稱優化中心)在1月16日 舉辦了本年度春季半天制專業發展研討會,吸引超過50位教學人員參加。
會上邀請了香港科技大學工程教育創新中心主任、計算機科學與工程龐鼎全教授以〝數碼時代的創新教學“為題進行專題演講。 龐教授概括了數碼時代的教學及技術發展,並分享了他使用慕課進行混合學習的經驗,包括翻轉教室、體驗式學習、線上知識傳遞,還介紹了創新電子學習教育的研究成果。
研討會更設有專題座談。在由優化中心主任王嘉祺教授主持的“UMx:挑戰與機遇(第二部分)”座談會上,科技學院SPOC團隊(CISC1000信息技術基礎和實踐)黃輝教授、屈鑑濠博士、Miguel Costa和林定分享了在線課程不同部分的經驗和見解,內容涵蓋課程設計、準備工作、知識傳遞,課程質量及成果等不同範疇。 其後,〝創意〞課程慕課團隊人文學院王嘉祺教授、教育學院教授李自豪、社會科學學院Davood Gozli教授分享了學生成績及反饋、大數據收集和未來計劃。
另一場的專題座談上,三位來自不同領域的講者則以〝以科技改善大班教學〞為題,探討科技與教學的不同看法。教育學院教授周憶粟在通識課程運用科技教學,並使用不同教育工具如:Moodle、Google form及Github適當地幫助教學;優化中心電子學習技術主任Chris Fulton展示了Poll Everywhere建立選擇題的新功能、使用Google form回應簡答題,有助改善學生反饋;健康科學學院教授黃值富則分析了在大班教學使用Moodle的優點和短處。
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