Artwork designed by Paul Flower

The first MOOC from the University of Macau will be launched on mooc learning platform on 26 September. The title of this course is “Creativity”, through which UMx aims to invite learners explore their own ideas through a series of of short video lectures, combined with exercise questions, online and offline communication and interactive learning.

As traditional industries continue to decline, knowledge- and skill-based professions are gradually being taken up by artificial intelligence and robots. Experts predict that this trend will only intensify. Fostering creativity, innovation, practical ability, critical thinking, leadership and teamwork is a crucial task. “Creativity” combines content with technologies and instill modes of creative thinking through mini-lectures before prompting learners to have hands-on experience.

Instructors of this MOOC are Prof. Katrine Wong (FAH), Prof. Michael LI (FED) and Prof. Davood Gozli (FSS); they areliterature scholar, theatre arts specialists and psychologist who will guide learners through a challenging yet fun learning journey. This course promises to nurture creativity and help learners see and hear differently. UMx “Creativity” is about transforming the ordinary into extraordinary.

The course takes about 3 hours a week. It will be launched on 26 September, and will conclude on 4 November. Interested learners, regardless of your age, background and prior knowledge on creativity can go to [here] for registration. This fun-filled, comprehensive course is completely free of charge.

See you in the course!



本課程團隊由人文學院王嘉祺、教育學院李自豪及社會科學學院Davood Gozli組成,以上三位文學家、藝術家及心理學家,將帶領學習者走一段極具挑戰,但充滿趣味的學習旅程,務求令學習者耳目一新,將「平凡的我們」轉化為「非凡的我們」。

本課程每星期授課兼建議學習時間為三小時,開課日為9月26日,結課日為11月4日,有興趣人士可即日起登入[學堂在線慕課平台網站] 自行報名。


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