Tag: teaching-excellence-sharing
[Prepare Students For Future Real-World Challenges] Prof. Derek Wong from the Faculty of Science and Technology shares teaching experience
Watch the interview and know how Prof. Derek Wong develops related skills and methods to students on teaching the courses of NLP and MT.
[Learn From Children, Learn Like Children] Prof. Sophia Deng from the Faculty of Social Sciences shares teaching experience
Watch the interview video and know how Prof. Sophia’s teaching was inspired by her research on infant learning methods!
[Think Like A Scientist] Prof. Ruiyu Xie from the Faculty of Health & Sciences Shares Teaching Experience
Dear teachers and teaching assistants, do you think that current students are accustomed to be taught? Do you want to change? After interview with the teaching excellence of FAH, FBA and FED, CTLE continued to conduct the interview series of excellence teaching sharing . This time we invited Professor Ruiyu XIE from FHS to share her experience and thoughts. Watch the interview video now and learn how Professor Xie inspires students to explore biology! 各位老師和助教,你們有沒有覺得現在的學生已習慣既定的教育方式接受知識,你們想不想改變一下? 繼人文學院、工商管理學院、教育學院後,教與學優化中心繼續進行優秀教與學分享系列訪問,這一集邀請到健康科學學院謝瑞瑜教授分享她的教學理念和經驗。 快觀看訪問影片,了解謝教授如何激發學生探索生物學的興趣!