On 19 January, CTLE held an online professional development seminar with a focus on effective course design. More than 80 faculty members attended the seminar.
Prof. Rico LAM (Registrar) introduced academic quality assurance (QA) from an institutional perspective. He added that it could provide a stage for better design of course material.
Prof. Katrine Wong (DCTLE) gave a talk in which she began with an outline of what QA meant in a higher education context. She then deconstructed the components in a UM course syllabus and talked about the significance of aligning assessment with intended learning outcomes (ILOs). She used her course ‘The English Renaissance’ as an example when explaining designing learning activities that involve LOTS and HOTS. (Download PPT) (Watch Video)
Here is a blog post by Katrine (link) on how to keep a course on track with quality ILOs.

1 月 19 日,教與學優化中心舉辦了一場在線專業發展研討會,主題為構建有效的課程設計,逾80多名教學人員參加了本次活動。
中心主任王嘉祺教授進行演講,她首先概述了 QA 在高等教育背景下的含義, 並解構了 澳大課程大綱中的不同組成部分,她也談到將評估與預期學習成果 (ILO)都保持一致的重要性;她以她的課程“The English Renaissance”為例子,解釋設計低階思考(LOTS) 和 高階思考(HOTS)之教學活動 。 (下載PPT) (觀看影片)
王教授也發表了相關教學博客,探討如何以高質量的 ILO維持教學課程的水平。(連結)

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