Project Description

Teaching Portfolio

Each academic year, CTLE organizes a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) focused on developing teacher’s own teaching portfolio.

A teaching portfolio is an important record unique to each faculty member. It is a living document that details your teaching philosophy, goals and achievements, as well as highlights and showcases samples of some of your best pedagogical practices.

The purpose of this FLC is to help UM academic staff develop this key document and advantages of being part of this FLC are that it provides a structured environment for multi-disciplinary discussions with colleagues from across campus on issues of common interest as well as the opportunity to develop your own teaching philosophy and be reflective of your own teaching.

This FLC is open for application every September. Accepted members will be enrolled to a Moodle course site which is created for resource sharing and online discussions. There will be 4-6 meetings across the academic year. Members who consistently contribute to the group will receive a citation documenting their participation.

We have interviewed several outstanding teachers who have participated in CTLE’s TPFLCs over the years. We have asked them to share their experiences, reflect on the impact of the programme, as well as talk about their teaching philosophies and the challenges they face in teaching and learning.