Progress updates from Prof. Alice Si Man LEI of FED:

Personal Health and Sustainability (FEDG211) is a General Education course, co-taught by two professors, Dr. Kong and me, I has re-designed partly with Blended Learning approach, 7 weeks included 13 classes (1.5 hr. each) consists of 1 online class , 12 one face-to-face lectures with pre-class activities, and in-class activities and weight measurement workshop.

  • Rain classroom has been used in last 3 classes in the part of my teaching, and I also used it to conduct the midterm exam (MC/Short Ans/Long Ans);
  • Used office mix to record PPTx, prepare and apply for pre/post class review/revision for most of the classes;
  • Qualtric quizzes have been created and done for in-class activities ( part of the quizzes were used to count as attendance ) and midterm survey;
  • Using Youtude as a platform to organize effective individual students presentation (5 mins video clips ) for their projects ( video submitted in the course youtube channel and student could transparently check classmates’ video clips) ;

While Prof. Lei continues to offer her other courses (PPEB253, PPEB322, EDPE756) in blended learning format using a mix of online tools and platforms including UMMoodle, Rain Classroom and Wechat, a new course is expected to be launched in AY 2018/2019 Fall.