Webinar: Activities on the Moodle Mobile app you should know
Join this webinar to learn how instructors and students can use the Moodle Mobile app. The webinar will focus on types of learning activities that work on smartphones. We will also look at how to set up the app with UMMoodle.
在第一次主題為“在Moodle Mobile App上你應該知道的活動”的在線會議中,我們會重點了解,可以在智能手機 App上進行的不同類型的學習活動。同時,我們也會指導如何把UMMoodle和 App 連接起來。
- Announcements to keep students on track
- Chat about course content, assignments, or to respond to quick discussion questions
- Choice questions to answer and discuss
- Forums for peer feedback
- Moodle Mobile makes it easy to find course files and quizzes, wikis, assignments on a mobile
Chris Fulton, CTLE
ICTO colleagues
4:00-4:30 (English)
4:30-5:00 (Chinese)
Date: 17 August
Register by clicking on the button below, then provide your name and email address, etc.