It is suggested the students are likely to gain most benefit from research in terms of depth of learning and understanding when they are involved actively, particularly through various forms of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL). In this half-day event, we will explore ways for teachers and students to work together and share strategies that promote student-centred education by enhancing UM students’ learning experience through IBL tasks and activities.
Speakers: Professor Mick Healey and UM Faculty Members
Date: 31 August 2022
Time: 3:00PM – 5:50PM
Venue: Online via Zoom
3:00 – 3:05 Opening remarks by Professor Michael Hui, Vice Rector (Academic Affairs)
3:05 – 4:35 Designing research and inquiry activities into the curriculum by Professor Mick Healey (University of Gloucestershire)
The theme will be illustrated with numerous mini-case studies from different disciplines and institutions across the world. Participants will then leave the workshop with practical ways in which they can incorporate inquiry learning into their course regardless of discipline or class size. This workshop will be run like a flipped classroom with exercises (see handout) for registered participants to undertake before and after the session. The following topics will be covered:
• Modes and forms of IBL
• Examples of IBL courses
• Flipped classrooms, inquiry planner, and value rubric for IBL
• Designing your own research and inquiry learning activity course
4:35 – 4:40 Group photo
4:40 – 5:20 Faculty Panel with Prof. Garry Wong (FHS), Prof. Melody Lu (FSS), Dr. Alice Lee (FAH-ELC), moderated by Prof. Katrine Wong (DCTLE/FAH)
Panelists and participants share their experience in designing activities and assessment to facilitate research-/enquiry-based learning for UM students.
5:20 – 5:50 Technology Session: Online activities and corresponding tools in Moodle that support IBL. Presentation by Dr. Chris Fulton (CTLE)
In this session examples of how forums in Moodle can be used to support inquiry-based learning (IBL) will be provided.
Mick Healey is an HE Consultant and Researcher and Emeritus Professor at the University of Gloucestershire, UK. Until 2010 he was Director of the Centre for Active Learning, a nationally funded Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. He is currently The Humboldt Distinguished Scholar in Research-Based Learning at McMaster University, Canada. Previously he was a Visiting Professor at UCL supporting their Connected Curriculum initiative. He was one of the first people in the UK to be awarded a National Teaching Fellowship and to be made a Principal Fellow of the HE Academy. In 2015 he received the Distinguished Service Award from the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Mick has written and edited over 200 papers, chapters, books and guides on various aspects of teaching and learning in HE, with a particular emphasis on research and inquiry-based learning and students working in partnership with staff. He has 13,000 citations. He was co-editor of the International Journal for Academic Development (2010-13) and is currently Inaugural Senior Editor International Journal for Students as Partners. He is often asked to act as an advisor to projects, universities, and governments on aspects of teaching and learning. Mick is an experienced presenter. Since 1995 he has given over 500 educational presentations in more than 25 different countries, including at most universities in Hong Kong and Singapore.