Dr. Christopher FULTON
E-Learning Technology Officer
chrisfulton@um.edu.mo —— 8822-4574 —— E6-3113
Christopher Fulton is an E-Learning Technology Officer at the Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement at the University of Macau. He is responsible for coordinating professional development activities for new academic staff and graduate students interested in e-learning technologies. His work involves coordinating teaching and learning consultation services for faculty and graduate students at all career stages through faculty learning communities, mentoring groups and classroom observations.
Selected Publications
Gan, Z., Fulton, C., & Li, S. (2022). Pre-service EFL teachers’ motivational beliefs about instructional use of technology: development and validation of a scale. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 37(7), 1698–1725. https://doi.org/10.1080/09588221.2022.2099902
Fulton, C. (2021). Exploring Student Engagement and the Design of an Online Course and Using Activity Tracking Tools. In V. Lin, & G. Yan (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality Assurance and the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Under the Pandemic (pp. 64–72). Macao, Macao Polytechnic Institute.
Fulton, C. (2016). Analytics for Improving Teaching and Learning: Interpreting Data on Faculty Use of a Learning Management System. In V. Lin, & C. Cheong (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality Assurance and the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (pp. 74–83). Macao, Macao Polytechnic Institute.
International conference presentation, ‘Leveraging Generative AI for Low-Stakes Assessment: A Case Study in Quiz Question Generation and Evaluation’ at eLearning Forum Asia 2024 Conference at Hong Kong Baptist University, 2024.
International conference presentation, ‘Researching English Language Teachers’ Beliefs Towards Mobile Technology With Automated Lexical Analyses’ at International Society for Language Studies (ISLS) 2019 Conference at The Open University of Hong Kong, 2019.
International seminar presentation, ‘Practices that support education for sustainability: a multiple-case study of higher education institutions’ at 19thAsia Youth Forum at Dalat University in Vietnam, 2018.
Faculty of Education workshop on “FED Workshop: Moodle (LMS) for Primary and Secondary Education,” University of Macau, 2017.
International conference presentation, ‘Supporting Faculty Use of Moodle in an Asian University: using a Faculty Learning Community Approach’ at 5th International Conference on Information Technology in Education (CITE 2014) in Shenzhen, Engineering Information Institute, 2014.
Faculty workshop on ‘UMMoodle I: Introduction to UMMoodle: Setting up Your Course Page Quickly,” University of Macau, 2013.
International seminar on ‘e-Learning Forum Asia,’ Learning Outcomes: impact on next generation learners, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2013.
National workshop and Teachers helping Teachers-JALT seminar on ‘Scaffolding activities and the textbook’, Hue University, Vietnam, 2013.
International conference on ‘Comparative education, sustainable development and social justice’, Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 2011.
East Asian international conference on ‘Teacher Education Research: Teacher Education for the Future – International Perspectives’, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 2010.
National workshop and Teachers helping Teachers-JALT seminar on ‘Language Teaching Methodology and Applications for the Future’, Hue University, Vietnam, 2010.
Consultation Hours
Thursdays 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Fridays 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Or by appointment via chrisfulton@um.edu.mo.
Ph.D. Education, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macau, 2017
Postgraduate certificate, Advanced Educational Studies in Information Technology in Education, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2011
M.A. Education and Development, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, 2006
B.A. Philosophy, University of Calgary, Canada, 1997
Workshops Regularly Held
Faculty Lunchtime Conversations on Teaching With Technology
Faculty Lunchtime Mini-Talks on Teaching With Technology
Workshops on Tools for Teaching with Technology (video)