Progress updates from Prof. Roberval Teixeira e SILVA of FAH

I am blending the following course: “PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE OF THE LUSOPHONE COUNTRIES I”. This course is designed to enhance general language skills, to develop the ability to use different levels of language and to adapt to different varieties of Portuguese. The programme exposes the student to Portuguese as an international language. Students will analyze and discuss written, audio and video texts, focusing on linguistic and sociocultural contents.

Basically, I have learned how to use different softwares, including Microsoft Office Mix, Polleverywhere, Zoom, which occupied most of my time for this blended project, and was instrumental for creating new activities. In addition, with the support of a TA, we were involved in other tasks such as:

  • Designing quizzes;
  • Organizing questionnaires;
  • Looking for material related to Portuguese Speaking Countries: videos, personalities, photos, little texts, curiosities.