On 20 February, Prof. Tara Brabazon, Dean of Graduate Research from Flinders University in Australia, gave a presentation entitled ‘4D: Revisioning the Doctorate’. The workshop attracted almost 40 academic staff members.

During her lecture, Prof. Tara shared how the 4D model would work on PhD supervision; the four Ds are Digitization, Deterritorialization, Disintermediation and Diversity. She also urged academic members to think about the current design and management of higher degree programmes.

In addition, she analyzed the different challenges of PhD completion, such as independence of students, region of study, course standard. She also explained the deficit model of teaching and learning, as well as how to work with supervisors’ expectation and students’ motivation. [Download PPT here]

澳門大學教與學優化中心在2月20日邀請了澳洲弗林德斯大學研究院院長Tara Brabazon教授以“4D:重新調整博士生課程”為題進行演講。本次工作坊共吸引近40位教學人員出席。

